Case Study One: Space Development
MIL-Compliant cables capable of withstanding the harsh space environment used in the asteroid explorers “Hayabusa” and “Hayabusa2”
Case Study One: Space Development
MIL-Compliant cables capable of withstanding the harsh space environment used in the asteroid explorers “Hayabusa” and “Hayabusa2”
Work involving space does not permit any half measures or compromises. As well as optimal reliability, only technology which can withstand the exacting environment of space can be deployed.
Our MIL-Compliant (U.S. military standard) cables are incredibly durable and are capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of outer space. They formed an essential part of the satellites which were deployed by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) in their asteroid exploring missions - “Hayabusa” and “Hayabusa2”.
Junkosha is one of the few Japanese companies manufacturing MIL-Compliant wires and cables. Our expert technology has helped to advance aerospace equipment and support crucial space operations which will further our knowledge as a society.
As artificial satellites orbit the Earth, they experience fluctuating temperatures which can be as low as -200℃ to a high of +200℃, depending on how exposed they are to the sun. They’re also subjected to ultraviolet radiation far more powerful than the radiation you would find within the Earth’s atmosphere. These extreme conditions are a major cause of degradation in the plastic used for cable insulation. Typically, degradation could be avoided by adding a stabilizing agent to the materials, but this method does not work for space technology as even stabilizing agents degrade under these harsh environmental conditions. Once they’ve been launched into space, there is no way of repairing these satellites, so avoiding malfunctions is paramount. These cables had to be robust, but also lightweight, as this makes the process of launching the spacecraft more economically sound. We developed our MIL-compliant cables to meet the challenges posed by the Hayabusa and the Hayabusa2 missions, creating highly durable, long-life cables which could be relied on in outer space.
When we began this project, we knew we had the technology required to deliver but we needed to prove its reliability through a series of complex and exacting tests. Only after completing this investigative process would we be awarded a coveted 'JAXA space qualification’. These tests went far further than your average consumer testing; each shipment of cables was subjected to flame and temperature tests before they could be approved. Satisfying these strict quality standards helped to develop a world-class cable with high-speed transmission technology which JAXA could rely on for their missions.
Ultimately, the Hayabusa and Hayabusa2 missions both helped us to advance our understanding of the origins of the solar system. It may seem like cables and wires are just small parts of a spacecraft, but each one of them forms an essential part of the vehicle. Though small, they contribute to ground-breaking missions which help us to accelerate research and open up new possibilities for mankind. This is what drives us to develop the best products possible.