Junkosha Thin-Walled Tubing

Fluoropolymer Thin-Walled Tubing

High-precision polymer molding technology controls the thickness of this tubing to the order of tens of microns. Suitable for applications in office automation for equipment such as printers, which become faster and more compact, and provide better image quality through picoliter ink control. Sodium etching, plasma treatment, and corona discharge treatment provide hydrophilicity, making it possible to bond to other products and materials.


- Products with added functions such as inner surface adhesion, conductivity control, and ultra-thin wall.


- OA equipment
- Rotary presses
Thin-Walled Tube with Inner Surface TreatmentAdhesive Thin-Walled Tube
Main MaterialPFA or FEPPFA
Outer Diameterφ10~50φ25~50
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